Christians in the Crosshairs....Stop anti-Christian Persecution
Jay Seculow of the ACLJ -American Center for Law and Justice
We've got an extremely grave problem on our hands.
In fact, Christians are literally being targeted by one of the most powerful Islamic organizations in the world.
This is urgent! Help the ACLJ's legal defense teams in the U.S. and Europe IMMEDIATELY answer this serious threat to your religious freedom with your generous gift of support right now.
Let me get straight to the matter ... The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), the largest lobbying body of nations within the United Nations (U.N.) - including countries in the Middle East, Asia and even South America - is pushing an anti-Christian agenda with full force.
They're attempting to pass a sinister resolution called ''Combating Defamation of Religions.'' It sounds palatable -
However, a careful reading shows that it boldly targets men and women of faith, like you and me, who speak out - in any way - against Islam.
Your support is crucial! Please give your immediate online donation to help the ACLJ - along with our European affiliate - answer the OIC aggressively: Anti-Christian bigotry will not be tolerated!
Please understand, this radical proposal essentially discriminates against Christians sharing the Good News. It could make the proclamation of your faith an international crime - punishable by imprisonment ... even death.
When Supreme Court Justice Scalia said in a recent dissent, ''America is at war with radical Islamists,'' he was exactly right.
We are seeing worldwide persecution of Christians as part of the radical Muslim mission to ''take the world for Islam'' - by purging Christianity from the face of the earth.
In Saudi Arabia, a Muslim father violently cut out his young daughter's tongue and burned her alive upon learning she had become a Christian.
In Africa, a leading Gospel singer was seized, stuffed into a cargo box - with a single hole for air - and left for a month to go crazy or die. After two years, she was released, fled her captive country, and was granted political asylum in Denmark.
In Iran, a couple was tortured for reading the Bible.
Two men in Algeria were tried and convicted for possessing Christian books.
And today we face extremely dangerous threats everywhere because of the one posed by the OIC.
Make no mistake, the ACLJ is absolutely dedicated to combating this perilous resolution at the United Nations.
In fact, our European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ) is officially recognized by the U.N. - which is absolutely critical right now as we work aggressively as your voice on this issue.
I am personally leading a team of ACLJ and ECLJ attorneys and staff researching, preparing reports and oral presentations - on your behalf, to protect your religious freedom.
We're calling on the U.N.'s High Commissioner of Human Rights to vehemently oppose this dangerous resolution and focus instead on improving existing international law to protect the religious beliefs of all individuals.
We'll begin hearings at the U.N. in just a few weeks, so I am turning to you for support. I am asking you, and every member of the ACLJ, to give an immediate generous tax-deductible contribution, and also to pray.
We need your support, in prayers and giving, as we launch our nationwide campaign to aggressively defeat this bold anti-Christian bigotry.
There is no other choice - we've got to win this battle for freedom at the U.N., or the ramifications for Christians will be staggering. Let me hear from you quickly. Thank you
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American Center for Law and Justice is a d/b/a for Christian Advocates Serving Evangelism, Inc., a tax-exempt, not-for-profit, religious corporation as defined under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, specifically dedicated to the ideal that religious freedom and freedom of speech are inalienable, God-given rights. The Center's purpose is to educate, promulgate, conciliate, and where necessary, litigate, to ensure that those rights are protected under the law. The organization has participated in numerous cases before the Supreme Court, Federal Court of Appeals, Federal District Courts, and various state courts regarding freedom of religion and freedom of speech. Your gift is very much appreciated and fully deductible as a charitable contribution. A copy of our latest financial report may be obtained b y writing to us at P.O. Box 450349, Atlanta, GA 31145-0349.
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A Passion for Truth. My Passion for Truth has led me to explain my unapologetic love of the Simon Potter character in Og Mandino's books. In point of fact, it is the character of Simon that I so admire. The other one that I love and admire is Brother Lawrence. But I love Jesus, the "name that is above every name", above all others.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Climate Change, Global Warming - Mixing Science with Politics

Is Winter 2008 Making Climate Alarmists Question Global Warming?
By Noel Sheppard (Bio | Archive)
March 2, 2008 - 19:37 ET
For years, climate realists have been wondering how the global warming alarmists would react when the planet actually cooled, albeit for an unknown amount of time.
With the winter of 2008 ushering in record-cold temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere -- following similar, albeit mostly unreported, weather in the Southern Hemisphere's 2007 winter -- it seems the resolve of the believers has been a bit weakened, to say the least.
Take for example Sunday's New York Times article by environment reporter Andrew C. Revkin entitled "Climate Skeptics Seize on Cold Spell" (emphasis added throughout):
The world has seen some extraordinary winter conditions in both hemispheres over the past year: snow in Johannesburg last June and in Baghdad in January, Arctic sea ice returning with a vengeance after a record retreat last summer, paralyzing blizzards in China, and a sharp drop in the globe’s average temperature.
It is no wonder that some scientists, opinion writers, political operatives and other people who challenge warnings about dangerous human-caused global warming have jumped on this as a teachable moment.
According to a host of climate experts, including some who question the extent and risks of global warming, it is mostly good old-fashioned weather, along with a cold kick from the tropical Pacific Ocean, which is in its La Niña phase for a few more months, a year after it was in the opposite warm El Niño pattern.
If anything else is afoot — like some cooling related to sunspot cycles or slow shifts in ocean and atmospheric patterns that can influence temperatures — an array of scientists who have staked out differing positions on the overall threat from global warming agree that there is no way to pinpoint whether such a new force is at work.
Interesting, wouldn't you agree? Sounds almost like the position of the realists.
After all, Revkin claimed "there is no way to pinpoint whether such a new force is at work" in driving down temperatures that have been observed in the past few months. Well, realists believe there's no way to "pinpoint" what forces are responsible for the global warming trend in the past 150 years.
Sounds like common ground, doesn't it?
To better define the realist view, such scientists, meteorologists, and climatologists feel that there are many factors impacting the weather, and that, despite claims by alarmists, there is absolutely no definitive proof that increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels is the primary culprit behind a slight rise in average global temperatures since 1850.
Yet, a problem arises from Revkin's "pinpoint" statement: if there's no way to determine exactly what's caused the sudden cooling that scientists have actually been able to observe the past eight months in both hemispheres, how can folks be so confident that carbon dioxide emissions have been the cause of rising temperatures that began a century before most of the alarmists were born?
Interesting conundrum, wouldn't you agree?
Read the rest of this intriguing column HERE
Russia's Invasion of Georgia
There is a website with a petition to the International Olympic Committee to revoke the site of Sochi, Russia for the 2014 Winter Olympic games. This is one way that the world can pressure Russia in a peaceful way, to remove themselves from Georgia and to repair the damage they've caused. Another way is to boycott all Russian products. Russia must be shown that there are consequences to their actions.
The Georgians are our friends. They, more than most, sent more of their military to Iraq.
Please use the link to the right to go to Revoke the Games and sign the petition.
The Georgians are our friends. They, more than most, sent more of their military to Iraq.
Please use the link to the right to go to Revoke the Games and sign the petition.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
From the Mouths of Comedians...
Eric Hoffer said, "The mystery of our time is the inability of decent people to get angry."
I realize that sadness is a much safer emotion, but is it so necessary to have demonized anger in America?
"McCain? Hey, doesn't he have a temper? Yeah, I think I read that - ooh, I don't know about him. Can you trust a guy that gets mad?"
Can you trust a guy who doesn't get mad? Let's get a guy with a temper. Maybe spending five years in a box in Vietnam makes a man a little cranky. But it also gives you firsthand experience with "evildoers," and maybe we need a little more of that.
Bill Maher, 2002
I realize that sadness is a much safer emotion, but is it so necessary to have demonized anger in America?
"McCain? Hey, doesn't he have a temper? Yeah, I think I read that - ooh, I don't know about him. Can you trust a guy that gets mad?"
Can you trust a guy who doesn't get mad? Let's get a guy with a temper. Maybe spending five years in a box in Vietnam makes a man a little cranky. But it also gives you firsthand experience with "evildoers," and maybe we need a little more of that.
Bill Maher, 2002
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Religious Persecution in the United States of America?

It is here and it is court ordered.....
Calif. court: Homosexual rights trump religious freedom
Jeff Johnson - OneNewsNow - 8/19/2008 6:45:00 AM
The same California Supreme Court that created a "right" to homosexual "marriage" earlier this year has now ruled that the state may force healthcare professionals to provide services that support an immoral and physically dangerous lifestyle.
California's highest court was unanimous in its decision on Monday that Christian doctors may not refuse to perform artificial insemination for homosexual patients. (See "California court says no religious exemption for doctors") Attorney Brad Dacus, president of the Pacific Justice Institute (PJI), reacts to the ruling.
"This is a clear violation of the fundamental rights of individuals to live and practice their faith," he states bluntly. "Forcing doctors to have to choose between being a doctor and being a Christian in the State of California is an outrageous violation of the fundamental rights of every American to be able to practice their faith and not to have to leave their occupation because of it."
In the case in question, the Christian doctors refused to perform artificial insemination on a lesbian patient, but did refer her to another doctor who would perform the elective treatment. Dacus says that proves this suit was not about guaranteeing "healthcare" for homosexuals, but instead about punishing Christians for obeying God's Word.

The PJI president says the ruling is quite broad and will apply to almost every profession in the state, meaning that Christian professionals and service providers -- childcare providers, for instance -- will be forced to provide services to homosexuals that support their immoral lifestyle and clearly violate biblical standards.
"For example, lawyers who are engaging in marriage and family law can now be forced to [execute] documents for homosexuals adopting children...," Dacus offers. "And individual with a wedding service, despite their Christian faith to the contrary, can now be forced to conduct wedding services and wedding preparations for lesbian or homosexual male couples."
Dacus says the case is certain to be appealed. "This just goes to show how critically important it is for us in the United States to have a Supreme Court that is not against those who practice the Christian faith but, instead, understands what the Constitution is about and [do] not engage in outrageous judicial activism," he says.
Christian Issues,
China 's Surplus of Sons: A Geopolitical Time Bomb
Michael Fragoso
The Olympics are here. Just as athletes from around the world enter into heated competition, China seeks to put its best foot forward in response to critics at home and abroad.
Among the criticisms is a quiet but serious challenge: the artificially high number of Chinese men compared with Chinese women. China should act expeditiously to correct the social and legal pressures that have converged to create this problem.
"Son preference" is a deep-seated, widespread problem in many cultures. In many parts of the world, having a son is integral to one's future financial and social wellbeing. Recent articles have tried to shed light on the problem in India-putting much blame on the ultrasound machines women use to determine the sex of their unborn children in order to decide whether they should abort a female fetus.
In China , however, the problem takes on a frightfully larger scope when "son preference" meets the notorious One Child policy. When the government only allows one child, it puts immense pressure on Chinese parents to determine the sex of their child in the womb, and terminate the pregnancy if it is a girl.
The unintended consequences of this government policy are staggering. The proportion of male births to female births (the "sex ratio") is not merely unusual, but alarming. Worldwide, there are already 100 million girls "missing" due to sex-selective abortion and female infanticide, according to the English medical journal The Lancet. Fifty million of these girls are thought to be from China . In many provinces, the sex ratio at birth is between 120 to 130 boys for every 100 girls; the natural number is about 104.
What will happen in future decades when these boys grow up and look for wives?
Among other things, such a situation would exacerbate the growing problem of sexual trafficking, which will surely have its hardest effect on the most vulnerable in the developing world as China grows richer.
Another serious threat is to regional stability and, by extension, international security. As Valerie Hudson and Andrea den Boer recently wrote in their prize-winning work on demography and security, Bare Branches, surplus male populations in a region often result in violence-through banditry, rioting, or militarization. The 6 to 5 male-female ratio in China means there are a lot of men who will not be able to start families. If history is any guide, they will either find less savory things to occupy their time, or find women through equally unsavory means.
China should work to prevent sex-selective abortions and fix the gender balance, not only to avoid social and political instability, but also because women and men are equal. The fundamental right to life exists regardless of one's gender.
The means to correct China 's gender imbalance will hopefully prove as peaceable and wholesome as those being undertaken by Korea , whose government, religious, and cultural leaders have worked together for years to increase the value of girls in their culture and erase "son preference." While China is engaged in the early stages of similar efforts, it can bolster them through changes in policy. An excellent step would be to enact and enforce laws that ban sex-selective abortion by targeting prenatal ultrasound use. Likewise, certain perceived economic causes for China 's tradition of son preference could be undercut by changes in China 's social-welfare networks. Most effective in balancing the sex ratio and affirming the rights of Chinese girls would be to abandon the odious one-child norm.
A tale from antiquity illustrates the potential tragedy of gender imbalance. Ancient Rome began as a refuge for fugitives, full of young, high-spirited men but utterly lacking in women. So Romulus held an athletic festival and encouraged guests to bring their wives and daughters. At a set time, able-bodied Romans seized the assembled women in an event now known as the Rape of the Sabine Women.
As China hosts the world, the world should make clear to the Chinese government how abhorrent its one-child policy is, as are its resultant sex-selective abortions. Let us take advantage of this opportunity and help the Chinese learn from the past to avoid demographic catastrophe and geopolitical instability in their future.
Michael Fragoso is a policy analyst with the Family Research Council. This article originally appeared in the October 19, 2007 edition of the Christian Science Monitor:
The Olympics are here. Just as athletes from around the world enter into heated competition, China seeks to put its best foot forward in response to critics at home and abroad.
Among the criticisms is a quiet but serious challenge: the artificially high number of Chinese men compared with Chinese women. China should act expeditiously to correct the social and legal pressures that have converged to create this problem.
"Son preference" is a deep-seated, widespread problem in many cultures. In many parts of the world, having a son is integral to one's future financial and social wellbeing. Recent articles have tried to shed light on the problem in India-putting much blame on the ultrasound machines women use to determine the sex of their unborn children in order to decide whether they should abort a female fetus.
In China , however, the problem takes on a frightfully larger scope when "son preference" meets the notorious One Child policy. When the government only allows one child, it puts immense pressure on Chinese parents to determine the sex of their child in the womb, and terminate the pregnancy if it is a girl.
The unintended consequences of this government policy are staggering. The proportion of male births to female births (the "sex ratio") is not merely unusual, but alarming. Worldwide, there are already 100 million girls "missing" due to sex-selective abortion and female infanticide, according to the English medical journal The Lancet. Fifty million of these girls are thought to be from China . In many provinces, the sex ratio at birth is between 120 to 130 boys for every 100 girls; the natural number is about 104.
What will happen in future decades when these boys grow up and look for wives?
Among other things, such a situation would exacerbate the growing problem of sexual trafficking, which will surely have its hardest effect on the most vulnerable in the developing world as China grows richer.
Another serious threat is to regional stability and, by extension, international security. As Valerie Hudson and Andrea den Boer recently wrote in their prize-winning work on demography and security, Bare Branches, surplus male populations in a region often result in violence-through banditry, rioting, or militarization. The 6 to 5 male-female ratio in China means there are a lot of men who will not be able to start families. If history is any guide, they will either find less savory things to occupy their time, or find women through equally unsavory means.
China should work to prevent sex-selective abortions and fix the gender balance, not only to avoid social and political instability, but also because women and men are equal. The fundamental right to life exists regardless of one's gender.
The means to correct China 's gender imbalance will hopefully prove as peaceable and wholesome as those being undertaken by Korea , whose government, religious, and cultural leaders have worked together for years to increase the value of girls in their culture and erase "son preference." While China is engaged in the early stages of similar efforts, it can bolster them through changes in policy. An excellent step would be to enact and enforce laws that ban sex-selective abortion by targeting prenatal ultrasound use. Likewise, certain perceived economic causes for China 's tradition of son preference could be undercut by changes in China 's social-welfare networks. Most effective in balancing the sex ratio and affirming the rights of Chinese girls would be to abandon the odious one-child norm.
A tale from antiquity illustrates the potential tragedy of gender imbalance. Ancient Rome began as a refuge for fugitives, full of young, high-spirited men but utterly lacking in women. So Romulus held an athletic festival and encouraged guests to bring their wives and daughters. At a set time, able-bodied Romans seized the assembled women in an event now known as the Rape of the Sabine Women.
As China hosts the world, the world should make clear to the Chinese government how abhorrent its one-child policy is, as are its resultant sex-selective abortions. Let us take advantage of this opportunity and help the Chinese learn from the past to avoid demographic catastrophe and geopolitical instability in their future.
Michael Fragoso is a policy analyst with the Family Research Council. This article originally appeared in the October 19, 2007 edition of the Christian Science Monitor:
Christian Issues,
Social Issues
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
What Is It About August? - George Will
George Will, in his column about Russia's invasion of Georgia, has managed to indict the UN and Bill Richardson as well as illuminate McCain's wealth of knowledge and no nonsense approach to foreign policy especially in the face of a very real threat to world peace.
WASHINGTON -- Asked in 1957 what would determine his government's course, Harold Macmillan, Britain's new prime minister, replied, "Events, dear boy, events." Now, into America's trivializing presidential campaign, a pesky event has intruded -- a European war. Russian tanks, heavy artillery, strategic bombers, ballistic missiles and a naval blockade batter a European nation. We are not past such things after all. The end of history will be postponed, again.
Russia supports two provinces determined to secede from Georgia. Russia, with aspiring nations within its borders, generally opposes secessionists, as it did when America, which sometimes opposes secession (e.g., 1861-65), improvidently supported Kosovo's secession from Russia's ally Serbia. But Russia's aggression is really about the subordination of Georgia, a democratic, market-oriented U.S. ally. This is the recrudescence of Russia's dominance in what it calls the "near abroad." Ukraine, another nation guilty of being provocatively democratic near Russia, should tremble because there is not much America can do. It is a bystander at the bullying of an ally that might be about to undergo regime change.
Vladimir Putin, into whose soul President George W. Bush once peered and liked what he saw, has conspicuously conferred with Russia's military, thereby making his poodle, "President" Dmitry Medvedev, yet more risible. But big events reveal smallness, such as that of New Mexico's Gov. Bill Richardson.
On ABC's "This Week," Richardson, auditioning to be Barack Obama's running mate, disqualified himself. Clinging to the Obama campaign's talking points like a drunk to a lamppost, Richardson said this crisis proves the wisdom of Obama's zest for diplomacy, and that America should get the U.N. Security Council "to pass a strong resolution getting the Russians to show some restraint." Apparently Richardson was ambassador to the U.N. for 19 months without noticing that Russia has a Security Council veto.
This crisis illustrates, redundantly, the paralysis of the U.N. regarding major powers, hence regarding major events, and the fictitiousness of the European Union regarding foreign policy. Does this disturb Obama's serenity about the efficacy of diplomacy? Obama's second statement about the crisis, in which he tardily acknowledged Russia's invasion, underscored the folly of his first, which echoed the Bush administration's initial evenhandedness. "Now," said Obama, "is the time for Georgia and Russia to show restraint."
John McCain, the "life is real, life is earnest" candidate, says he has looked into Putin's eyes and seen "a K, a G and a B." But McCain owes the thug thanks, as does America's electorate. Putin has abruptly pulled the presidential campaign up from preoccupation with plumbing the shallows of John Edwards and wondering what "catharsis" is "owed" to disappointed Clintonites.
McCain, who has called upon Russia "to immediately and unconditionally ... withdraw all forces from sovereign Georgian territory," favors expelling Russia from the G-8, and organizing a league of democracies to act where the U.N. is impotent, which is whenever the subject is important. But Georgia, whose desire for NATO membership had U.S. support, is not in NATO because some prospective members of McCain's league of democracies, e.g. Germany, thought that starting membership talks with Georgia would complicate the project of propitiating Russia. NATO is scheduled to review the question of Georgia's membership in December. Where now do Obama and McCain stand?
If Georgia were in NATO, would NATO now be at war with Russia? More likely, Russia would not be in Georgia. Only once in NATO's 59 years has the territory of a member been invaded -- the British Falklands, by Argentina, in 1982.
Please read the rest of the column by clicking HERE
WASHINGTON -- Asked in 1957 what would determine his government's course, Harold Macmillan, Britain's new prime minister, replied, "Events, dear boy, events." Now, into America's trivializing presidential campaign, a pesky event has intruded -- a European war. Russian tanks, heavy artillery, strategic bombers, ballistic missiles and a naval blockade batter a European nation. We are not past such things after all. The end of history will be postponed, again.
Russia supports two provinces determined to secede from Georgia. Russia, with aspiring nations within its borders, generally opposes secessionists, as it did when America, which sometimes opposes secession (e.g., 1861-65), improvidently supported Kosovo's secession from Russia's ally Serbia. But Russia's aggression is really about the subordination of Georgia, a democratic, market-oriented U.S. ally. This is the recrudescence of Russia's dominance in what it calls the "near abroad." Ukraine, another nation guilty of being provocatively democratic near Russia, should tremble because there is not much America can do. It is a bystander at the bullying of an ally that might be about to undergo regime change.
Vladimir Putin, into whose soul President George W. Bush once peered and liked what he saw, has conspicuously conferred with Russia's military, thereby making his poodle, "President" Dmitry Medvedev, yet more risible. But big events reveal smallness, such as that of New Mexico's Gov. Bill Richardson.
On ABC's "This Week," Richardson, auditioning to be Barack Obama's running mate, disqualified himself. Clinging to the Obama campaign's talking points like a drunk to a lamppost, Richardson said this crisis proves the wisdom of Obama's zest for diplomacy, and that America should get the U.N. Security Council "to pass a strong resolution getting the Russians to show some restraint." Apparently Richardson was ambassador to the U.N. for 19 months without noticing that Russia has a Security Council veto.
This crisis illustrates, redundantly, the paralysis of the U.N. regarding major powers, hence regarding major events, and the fictitiousness of the European Union regarding foreign policy. Does this disturb Obama's serenity about the efficacy of diplomacy? Obama's second statement about the crisis, in which he tardily acknowledged Russia's invasion, underscored the folly of his first, which echoed the Bush administration's initial evenhandedness. "Now," said Obama, "is the time for Georgia and Russia to show restraint."
John McCain, the "life is real, life is earnest" candidate, says he has looked into Putin's eyes and seen "a K, a G and a B." But McCain owes the thug thanks, as does America's electorate. Putin has abruptly pulled the presidential campaign up from preoccupation with plumbing the shallows of John Edwards and wondering what "catharsis" is "owed" to disappointed Clintonites.
McCain, who has called upon Russia "to immediately and unconditionally ... withdraw all forces from sovereign Georgian territory," favors expelling Russia from the G-8, and organizing a league of democracies to act where the U.N. is impotent, which is whenever the subject is important. But Georgia, whose desire for NATO membership had U.S. support, is not in NATO because some prospective members of McCain's league of democracies, e.g. Germany, thought that starting membership talks with Georgia would complicate the project of propitiating Russia. NATO is scheduled to review the question of Georgia's membership in December. Where now do Obama and McCain stand?
If Georgia were in NATO, would NATO now be at war with Russia? More likely, Russia would not be in Georgia. Only once in NATO's 59 years has the territory of a member been invaded -- the British Falklands, by Argentina, in 1982.
Please read the rest of the column by clicking HERE
Monday, August 18, 2008
Doctors vs Guns
This is worth reading....
(A) The number of doctors in the U.S. is 700,000.
(B) Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year are 120,000.
(C) Accidental deaths per physician is 17.14%.
Statistics: courtesy of the U.S.Dept of Health & Human Services
(A) The number of gun owners in the U.S. is 80,000,000 (yes! that's 80 million).
(B) The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all age groups, is 1,500.
(C) The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is 0.001875%.
Statistics: courtesy of the FBI
So statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.
Remember, guns don't kill people, doctors do.
Please alert your friends to this alarming threat. We must ban doctors before this gets completely out of hand!!!
Out of concern for the public at large, I have withheld statistics on lawyers for fear the shock would cause people to panic and seek medical attention.........
(A) The number of doctors in the U.S. is 700,000.
(B) Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year are 120,000.
(C) Accidental deaths per physician is 17.14%.
Statistics: courtesy of the U.S.Dept of Health & Human Services
(A) The number of gun owners in the U.S. is 80,000,000 (yes! that's 80 million).
(B) The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all age groups, is 1,500.
(C) The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is 0.001875%.
Statistics: courtesy of the FBI
So statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.
Remember, guns don't kill people, doctors do.
Please alert your friends to this alarming threat. We must ban doctors before this gets completely out of hand!!!
Out of concern for the public at large, I have withheld statistics on lawyers for fear the shock would cause people to panic and seek medical attention.........
Saturday, August 16, 2008
This just about sums it up.......
"If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed."
...Mark Twain

Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress....But then I repeat myself.
...Mark Twain

I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.
...Winston Churchill

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.
...George Bernard Shaw

Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.
...James Bovard, Civil Libertarian (1994)

Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries. ...Douglas Casey, Classmate of Bill Clinton at Georgetown University.

Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.
...P.J. O'Rourke, Civil Libertarian

Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.
...Frederic Bastiat, Economist (1801-1850)

Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.
...Ronald Reagan (1986)

I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.
...Will Rogers

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free!
...P.J. O'Rourke

In general, the art of government consists of taking as much money as possible from one party of the citizens to give to the other.
...Voltaire (1764)

Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you!
...Pericles (430 B.C.)


No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session.
...Mark Twain (1866)

Talk is cheap...except when Congress does it.

The government is like a baby's alimentary canal, with a happy appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
...Ronald Reagan

The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin.
...Mark Twain

There is no distinctly Native American criminal Congress.
...Mark Twain

What this country needs are more unemployed politicians.
...Edward Langley, Artist (1928 - 1995)

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.
...Thomas Jefferson
"If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed."
...Mark Twain

Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress....But then I repeat myself.
...Mark Twain

I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.
...Winston Churchill

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.
...George Bernard Shaw

Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.
...James Bovard, Civil Libertarian (1994)

Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries. ...Douglas Casey, Classmate of Bill Clinton at Georgetown University.

Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.
...P.J. O'Rourke, Civil Libertarian

Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.
...Frederic Bastiat, Economist (1801-1850)

Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.
...Ronald Reagan (1986)

I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.
...Will Rogers

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free!
...P.J. O'Rourke

In general, the art of government consists of taking as much money as possible from one party of the citizens to give to the other.
...Voltaire (1764)

Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you!
...Pericles (430 B.C.)


No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session.
...Mark Twain (1866)

Talk is cheap...except when Congress does it.

The government is like a baby's alimentary canal, with a happy appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
...Ronald Reagan

The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin.
...Mark Twain

There is no distinctly Native American criminal Congress.
...Mark Twain

What this country needs are more unemployed politicians.
...Edward Langley, Artist (1928 - 1995)

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.
...Thomas Jefferson
Famous Quotes,
Thursday, August 14, 2008
An Affair to Remember - Chuck Norris

Now that John Edwards has admitted to his affair with 42-year-old Rielle Hunter, the big test looms again before the American public: Do we care? Do we think it matters? Do we believe that there should be any code of conduct or moral standard for those in public office, even if it is the highest one in the land?Justifications for political improprieties abound. There are historical ones: "Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton, etc. had moral failures, so what's the big deal?" There are also personal ones: "We shouldn't judge. No one is perfect. Who are we to point fingers?"Don't misunderstand me. I believe in personal redemption. I myself have experienced it, as I wrote about in the chapter "A sin that became a blessing" in my autobiography, "Against All Odds," in which I discuss an adulterous one-night stand in the early '60s that resulted in my wonderful daughter Dina. That is why I hope, as he says, John Edwards truly has asked God and his wife for forgiveness, and I pray for their restoration and the long road that results from it.
But then again, John Edwards continues to minimize his culpability by playing linguistic and moral dodge ball. He lied to his closest colleagues and the public for nearly two years about the affair. And even in his confession last week, he doesn't call it a "lie," a "sin," an "affair" or "adultery." Rather, he repeatedly calls it merely a "mistake" or a "serious error in judgment." Is that all it is?
To read the rest of the column CLICK HERE
Christian Issues,
Social Issues,
social values
Let My People Go, AIDS Profiteers
I will just reprint the entire article from the Washington Post. This says so much about the ills of government and how they can get such a simple thing wrong when there is no moral foundation to stand upon.
And to think that we could eradicate malaria from Africa and stop the deaths from continuing by only reversing the ban. "By only" means defeating the environmentalists and that would be no mean feat.
Let My People Go, AIDS Profiteers
By Sam L. Ruteikara
Monday, June 30, 2008; Page A11
KAMPALA, Uganda -- The President's Emergency Plan for HIV-AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has been mired in the Senate for months. Last week finally brought signs that a vote, and passage, could be near. The program would cost $50 billion -- that's $165 from each American to fight AIDS, or $1.3 billion from New York City alone. But will the money allocated for AIDS stop the spread of the virus in sub-Saharan Africa, where 76 percent of the world's HIV-AIDS deaths occurred last year?
Not if the dark dealings I've witnessed in Africa continue unchecked. In the fight against AIDS, profiteering has trumped prevention. AIDS is no longer simply a disease; it has become a multibillion-dollar industry.
In the late 1980s, before international experts arrived to tell us we had it all "wrong," we in Uganda devised a practical campaign to prevent the spread of HIV. We recognized that population-wide AIDS epidemics in Africa were driven by people having sex with more than one regular partner. Therefore, we urged people to be faithful. Our campaign was called ABC (Abstain, or Be Faithful, or use Condoms), but our main message was: Stick to one partner. We promoted condoms only as a last resort.
Because we knew what to do in our country, we succeeded. The proportion of Ugandans infected with HIV plunged from 21 percent in 1991 to 6 percent in 2002. But international AIDS experts who came to Uganda said we were wrong to try to limit people's sexual freedom. Worse, they had the financial power to force their casual-sex agendas upon us.
PEPFAR calls for Western experts to work as equal partners with African leaders on AIDS prevention. But as co-chair of Uganda's National AIDS-Prevention Committee, I have seen this process sabotaged. Repeatedly, our 25-member prevention committee put faithfulness and abstinence into the National Strategic Plan that guides how PEPFAR money for our country will be spent. Repeatedly, foreign advisers erased our recommendations. When the document draft was published, fidelity and abstinence were missing.
And somehow, a suspicious statistic attacking marriage appeared. The plan states that the HIV infection rate among married couples is 42 percent, twice as high as the rate among prostitutes. Our requests for the source of this statistic were repeatedly ignored. In fact, the 2004-05 Ugandan HIV/AIDS Sero-Behavioral Survey found that HIV prevalence among married couples is only 6.3 percent, far lower than infection rates among widowed (31.4 percent) or divorced (13.9 percent) Ugandans.
When Washington insiders were alerted to these scandals, the words "abstain" and "be faithful" were quietly reinserted into the plan -- on paper. But that doesn't guarantee these methods will be implemented or promoted. Meanwhile, the dubious marriage statistic remains.
As fidelity and abstinence have been subverted, Uganda's HIV rates have begun to tick back up.
Western media have been told this renewed surge of HIV infection is because there are "not enough condoms in Uganda," even though we have many more condoms now than we did in the early 1990s, when our HIV rates began to decline. Condom promotions have failed in Africa, mostly because fewer than 5 percent of people use condoms consistently with regular partners. Indeed, the loudest HIV-prevention message in Africa is "universal access" to condoms, testing, anti-retroviral treatment, and assorted other drugs and devices. All these commodities must be transported, stored, distributed, advertised and resupplied endlessly.
Meanwhile, effective HIV prevention methods, such as urging Africans to stick to one partner, don't qualify for lucrative universal-access status.
Do not misunderstand me: Treatment is good. But for every African who gains access to HIV treatment, six become newly infected. To treat one AIDS patient with life-prolonging anti-retroviral drugs costs more than $1,000 a year. Our successful ABC campaign cost just 29 cents per person each year.
International suppliers make broad, oversimplified statements such as "You can't change Africans' sexual behavior." While it's true that you can't change everybody, you don't have to. If the share of men having three or more sexual partners in a year drops from 15 percent to 3 percent, as happened in Uganda between 1989 and 1995, HIV infection rates will plunge. It is that simple.
We, the poor of Africa, remain silenced in the global dialogue. Our wisdom about our own culture is ignored.
Telling men and women to keep sex sacred -- to save sex for marriage and then remain faithful -- is telling them to love one another deeply with their whole hearts. Most HIV infections in Africa are spread by sex outside of marriage: casual sex and infidelity. The solution is faithful love.
So hear my plea, HIV-AIDS profiteers. Let my people go. We understand that casual sex is dear to you, but staying alive is dear to us. Listen to African wisdom, and we will show you how to prevent AIDS.
The Rev. Sam L. Ruteikara is co-chair of Uganda's National AIDS-Prevention Committee.
And to think that we could eradicate malaria from Africa and stop the deaths from continuing by only reversing the ban. "By only" means defeating the environmentalists and that would be no mean feat.
Let My People Go, AIDS Profiteers
By Sam L. Ruteikara
Monday, June 30, 2008; Page A11
KAMPALA, Uganda -- The President's Emergency Plan for HIV-AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has been mired in the Senate for months. Last week finally brought signs that a vote, and passage, could be near. The program would cost $50 billion -- that's $165 from each American to fight AIDS, or $1.3 billion from New York City alone. But will the money allocated for AIDS stop the spread of the virus in sub-Saharan Africa, where 76 percent of the world's HIV-AIDS deaths occurred last year?
Not if the dark dealings I've witnessed in Africa continue unchecked. In the fight against AIDS, profiteering has trumped prevention. AIDS is no longer simply a disease; it has become a multibillion-dollar industry.
In the late 1980s, before international experts arrived to tell us we had it all "wrong," we in Uganda devised a practical campaign to prevent the spread of HIV. We recognized that population-wide AIDS epidemics in Africa were driven by people having sex with more than one regular partner. Therefore, we urged people to be faithful. Our campaign was called ABC (Abstain, or Be Faithful, or use Condoms), but our main message was: Stick to one partner. We promoted condoms only as a last resort.
Because we knew what to do in our country, we succeeded. The proportion of Ugandans infected with HIV plunged from 21 percent in 1991 to 6 percent in 2002. But international AIDS experts who came to Uganda said we were wrong to try to limit people's sexual freedom. Worse, they had the financial power to force their casual-sex agendas upon us.
PEPFAR calls for Western experts to work as equal partners with African leaders on AIDS prevention. But as co-chair of Uganda's National AIDS-Prevention Committee, I have seen this process sabotaged. Repeatedly, our 25-member prevention committee put faithfulness and abstinence into the National Strategic Plan that guides how PEPFAR money for our country will be spent. Repeatedly, foreign advisers erased our recommendations. When the document draft was published, fidelity and abstinence were missing.
And somehow, a suspicious statistic attacking marriage appeared. The plan states that the HIV infection rate among married couples is 42 percent, twice as high as the rate among prostitutes. Our requests for the source of this statistic were repeatedly ignored. In fact, the 2004-05 Ugandan HIV/AIDS Sero-Behavioral Survey found that HIV prevalence among married couples is only 6.3 percent, far lower than infection rates among widowed (31.4 percent) or divorced (13.9 percent) Ugandans.
When Washington insiders were alerted to these scandals, the words "abstain" and "be faithful" were quietly reinserted into the plan -- on paper. But that doesn't guarantee these methods will be implemented or promoted. Meanwhile, the dubious marriage statistic remains.
As fidelity and abstinence have been subverted, Uganda's HIV rates have begun to tick back up.
Western media have been told this renewed surge of HIV infection is because there are "not enough condoms in Uganda," even though we have many more condoms now than we did in the early 1990s, when our HIV rates began to decline. Condom promotions have failed in Africa, mostly because fewer than 5 percent of people use condoms consistently with regular partners. Indeed, the loudest HIV-prevention message in Africa is "universal access" to condoms, testing, anti-retroviral treatment, and assorted other drugs and devices. All these commodities must be transported, stored, distributed, advertised and resupplied endlessly.
Meanwhile, effective HIV prevention methods, such as urging Africans to stick to one partner, don't qualify for lucrative universal-access status.
Do not misunderstand me: Treatment is good. But for every African who gains access to HIV treatment, six become newly infected. To treat one AIDS patient with life-prolonging anti-retroviral drugs costs more than $1,000 a year. Our successful ABC campaign cost just 29 cents per person each year.
International suppliers make broad, oversimplified statements such as "You can't change Africans' sexual behavior." While it's true that you can't change everybody, you don't have to. If the share of men having three or more sexual partners in a year drops from 15 percent to 3 percent, as happened in Uganda between 1989 and 1995, HIV infection rates will plunge. It is that simple.
We, the poor of Africa, remain silenced in the global dialogue. Our wisdom about our own culture is ignored.
Telling men and women to keep sex sacred -- to save sex for marriage and then remain faithful -- is telling them to love one another deeply with their whole hearts. Most HIV infections in Africa are spread by sex outside of marriage: casual sex and infidelity. The solution is faithful love.
So hear my plea, HIV-AIDS profiteers. Let my people go. We understand that casual sex is dear to you, but staying alive is dear to us. Listen to African wisdom, and we will show you how to prevent AIDS.
The Rev. Sam L. Ruteikara is co-chair of Uganda's National AIDS-Prevention Committee.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Obama Cartoons That Will Never Be Published
Oh, how cowardly and dispicable the "Main Stream" news media has become. These are cartoons of the more popular Obama gaffes.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
From The Family Research Council
Billions and Billions Disserved
Despite a boycott, McDonald's is showing no signs of reconsidering its partnership with the pro-homosexual crowd. In fact, rather than distance itself from the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the multi-billion dollar company is increasing its support. In addition to its hefty donation to the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (which is funding efforts to defeat the marriage amendment in California), executives have also sponsored a San Francisco gay pride parade.
When asked by our friend Don Wildmon, President of the American Family Association, to remain neutral in the debate, McDonald's said, "[we] will continue to support the gay agenda including same-sex marriage." In a television commercial, the fast-food chain went so far as to express "pride" for being recognized by the HRC as a company that "actively demonstrates its commitment to the gay and lesbian community." Until McDonald's shows its commitment to American families, Lawana and I have eaten our last Big Macs. We refuse to let a single penny of our money fund the campaign to redefine marriage and sexuality.
Despite a boycott, McDonald's is showing no signs of reconsidering its partnership with the pro-homosexual crowd. In fact, rather than distance itself from the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the multi-billion dollar company is increasing its support. In addition to its hefty donation to the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (which is funding efforts to defeat the marriage amendment in California), executives have also sponsored a San Francisco gay pride parade.
When asked by our friend Don Wildmon, President of the American Family Association, to remain neutral in the debate, McDonald's said, "[we] will continue to support the gay agenda including same-sex marriage." In a television commercial, the fast-food chain went so far as to express "pride" for being recognized by the HRC as a company that "actively demonstrates its commitment to the gay and lesbian community." Until McDonald's shows its commitment to American families, Lawana and I have eaten our last Big Macs. We refuse to let a single penny of our money fund the campaign to redefine marriage and sexuality.
Christian Issues,
Social Issues,
social values
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
The Times They Are Troubling to a Man's Soul
When the Lord answered my prayers for a godly woman to come into my life and become my wife, He did more than I prayed for. He also brought into my life a godly family grounded in their faith, believing in the inerrancy of the Bible and, as Travis writes about so eloquently, "Creedal Christians". Please read Travis Hutchinson's "CREEDAL CHRISTIANITY: THE USE OF CREEDS IN THE MODERN CHURCH"
My father-in-law is an engineer/farmer/builder extraordinaire and has a refreshingly straight forward "former times" conservative view. He is the one that suggested that I read the PatriotPost.US and I've never regretted the decision to follow that very sage advice.
Mark M. Alexander is the founder of the PatriotPost.US. He is one very accomplished conservative in the mold of William F. Buckley, Ronald Reagan and many of our founding fathers. Please read his history HERE.
I have prefaced this column by the previous one, "The Patriot Post - Our Vision", because I want all to understand the foundation from whence spring forth the ideals that are expressed in the PatriotPost.US writings.
Here are 5 very important writings that are highly recommended reading:
1. PatriotPost.US 08-32
“The prosperity of commerce is now perceived and acknowledged by all enlightened statesmen to be the most useful as well as the most productive source of national wealth.” —Alexander Hamilton
2. Demonomic deja vu
"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents...." --James Madison
The current "change" in economic policy, as proposed by the latest protagonist of Leftist ideology, can best be summed up in the inimitable words of that great philosopher Yogi Berra: "It's deja vu all over again."
Politicos come and go, but the essential philosophical divergence between conservatives and liberals remains as stark today as ever. That disparity is most evident in how conservatives and liberals have always viewed the role of government, and its policies concerning taxation, spending and regulation.
While one may correctly argue that the majority of elected Republicans do not justly honor the conservative principles set forth in the Republican Party Platform, the majority of Democrats certainly march in lockstep behind their Leftist despots, and their electoral lemmings are close behind. (As George Bernard Shaw once noted, "A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend upon the support of Paul.")
So what informs the two distinctly different visions from the Right and Left?
3. "To secure these rights..." -- The Bill of Rights
"The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for, among old parchments, or musty records. They are written, as with a sun beam, in the whole volume of human nature, by the hand of the divinity itself; and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power." --Alexander Hamilton
Saturday, 15 December, is the 216th anniversary of the adoption of the Bill of Rights, the first Ten Amendments to our Constitution, as ratified in 1791.
The Bill of Rights was inspired by three remarkable documents: John Locke's 1689 thesis, Two Treatises of Government, regarding the protection of "property" (in the Latin context, proprius, or one's own "life, liberty and estate"); in part from the Virginia Declaration of Rights authored by George Mason in 1776 as part of that state's Constitution; and, of course, in part from our Declaration of Independence authored by Thomas Jefferson.
4. The Patriot Post-Party Platforms - A History
From the 2004 Democratic Platform - ACHIEVING ENERGY INDEPENDENCE:
"We will work to create new technology for producing electricity in a better, more efficient manner. Coal accounts for more than one-half of America's electric power generation capacity today. We believe coal must continue its important role in a new energy economy, while achieving high environmental standards. Working with the coal industry, we will invest billions to develop and implement new, cleaner coal technology and to produce electric and hydrogen power. We will also work to make sure that our people have access to an affordable, secure, and reliable supply of electricity at all times. We support mandatory, enforceable reliability standards. We also support public-private partnerships to make our power systems more flexible, resilient, and self-healing—and more environmentally friendly than ever before."
Pardon me but we already have the most stringent environmental laws and so many laws and regulations that the price of conformance is astronomically expensive. And where are they going to get the "billions" to invest? Yes sir, Mr. Smith. They will take it right out of our pockets and waste a large portion in the massive bureaucracy that will have to be created to oversee the investments. I don't know about you but I think that is just another form of robbery. Why would I want to give my money to the most inefficient investor? I don't want anyone forcibly taking my hard earned money and investing it in ways that I vehemently disagree with. That is robbery pure and simple.
5. A Comparison of FairTax, Income Tax, and Flat Tax
My father-in-law is an engineer/farmer/builder extraordinaire and has a refreshingly straight forward "former times" conservative view. He is the one that suggested that I read the PatriotPost.US and I've never regretted the decision to follow that very sage advice.
Mark M. Alexander is the founder of the PatriotPost.US. He is one very accomplished conservative in the mold of William F. Buckley, Ronald Reagan and many of our founding fathers. Please read his history HERE.
I have prefaced this column by the previous one, "The Patriot Post - Our Vision", because I want all to understand the foundation from whence spring forth the ideals that are expressed in the PatriotPost.US writings.
Here are 5 very important writings that are highly recommended reading:
1. PatriotPost.US 08-32
“The prosperity of commerce is now perceived and acknowledged by all enlightened statesmen to be the most useful as well as the most productive source of national wealth.” —Alexander Hamilton
2. Demonomic deja vu
"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents...." --James Madison
The current "change" in economic policy, as proposed by the latest protagonist of Leftist ideology, can best be summed up in the inimitable words of that great philosopher Yogi Berra: "It's deja vu all over again."
Politicos come and go, but the essential philosophical divergence between conservatives and liberals remains as stark today as ever. That disparity is most evident in how conservatives and liberals have always viewed the role of government, and its policies concerning taxation, spending and regulation.
While one may correctly argue that the majority of elected Republicans do not justly honor the conservative principles set forth in the Republican Party Platform, the majority of Democrats certainly march in lockstep behind their Leftist despots, and their electoral lemmings are close behind. (As George Bernard Shaw once noted, "A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend upon the support of Paul.")
So what informs the two distinctly different visions from the Right and Left?
3. "To secure these rights..." -- The Bill of Rights
"The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for, among old parchments, or musty records. They are written, as with a sun beam, in the whole volume of human nature, by the hand of the divinity itself; and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power." --Alexander Hamilton
Saturday, 15 December, is the 216th anniversary of the adoption of the Bill of Rights, the first Ten Amendments to our Constitution, as ratified in 1791.
The Bill of Rights was inspired by three remarkable documents: John Locke's 1689 thesis, Two Treatises of Government, regarding the protection of "property" (in the Latin context, proprius, or one's own "life, liberty and estate"); in part from the Virginia Declaration of Rights authored by George Mason in 1776 as part of that state's Constitution; and, of course, in part from our Declaration of Independence authored by Thomas Jefferson.
4. The Patriot Post-Party Platforms - A History
From the 2004 Democratic Platform - ACHIEVING ENERGY INDEPENDENCE:
"We will work to create new technology for producing electricity in a better, more efficient manner. Coal accounts for more than one-half of America's electric power generation capacity today. We believe coal must continue its important role in a new energy economy, while achieving high environmental standards. Working with the coal industry, we will invest billions to develop and implement new, cleaner coal technology and to produce electric and hydrogen power. We will also work to make sure that our people have access to an affordable, secure, and reliable supply of electricity at all times. We support mandatory, enforceable reliability standards. We also support public-private partnerships to make our power systems more flexible, resilient, and self-healing—and more environmentally friendly than ever before."
Pardon me but we already have the most stringent environmental laws and so many laws and regulations that the price of conformance is astronomically expensive. And where are they going to get the "billions" to invest? Yes sir, Mr. Smith. They will take it right out of our pockets and waste a large portion in the massive bureaucracy that will have to be created to oversee the investments. I don't know about you but I think that is just another form of robbery. Why would I want to give my money to the most inefficient investor? I don't want anyone forcibly taking my hard earned money and investing it in ways that I vehemently disagree with. That is robbery pure and simple.
5. A Comparison of FairTax, Income Tax, and Flat Tax
The Patriot Post - Our Vision

About The Patriot Post
America's most widely read Internet-based publication, The Patriot Post, is a highly acclaimed journal advocating individual liberty, the restoration of constitutional limits on government and the judiciary, and the promotion of free enterprise, national defense and traditional American values.
The Patriot Post is crafted by a national editorial team headed by Mark Alexander and serves as a hard-hitting rebuttal to contemporary political, social and mainstream media protagonists on the Left. It is written for those who seek a brief, informative and entertaining analysis of the week's most significant news, policy and opinion. This comprehensive synopsis of reliable information is drawn from reputable media, research and advocacy organizations and published in three parts each week: Monday's Patriot Brief, Wednesday's Patriot Chronicle and Friday's Patriot Digest.
The Patriot Post's readers include high-level policymakers in the executive and legislative branches, leaders in state and local government, key thinkers in the community of conservative research and academic policy organizations, and, most important, grassroots conservatives across the nation. The Patriot Post is available free by e-mail, and is thus an invaluable news resource for hundreds of thousands of our military and mission-field personnel around the world, as well as an ever-growing readership on our college campuses.
Our Vision

"For we must consider that we shall be as a City upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us. So that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken, and so cause Him to withdraw His present help from us, we shall be made a story and a byword throughout the world. ... Beloved there is now set before us life and good, Death and evil, in that we are commanded this day to love the Lord our God, and to love one another, to walk in his ways and to keep His Commandments and His Ordinance and His laws, and the articles of our Covenant with Him, that we may live and be multiplied, and that the Lord our God may bless us in the land whither we go to possess it. But if our hearts shall turn away, so that we will not obey, but shall be seduced, and worship and serve other Gods, our pleasure and profits, and serve them; it is propounded unto us this day, we shall surely perish out of the good land whither we pass over this vast sea to possess it; Therefore let us choose life that we, and our seed, may live, by obeying His voice and cleaving to Him, for He is our life and our prosperity." --John Winthrop, 1630 (Pilgrim & First Governor of Massachusetts)
The Patriot Post is the Internet's Journal of Record for the conservative revolution. This, of course, is an ongoing revolution -- one inspired by Ronald Reagan and waged by the American people against the prospect of a tyrannical government that threatens the very liberty that gave it rise. The Patriot Post is an instrument for the dissemination of current and historical conservative thought for the plurality of Americans who uphold the most basic tenet of our Republic: "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
The Patriot Post believes that individual liberty, the restoration of constitutional limits on government and the judiciary, and the promotion of free enterprise, national defense and traditional American values can only be secured through the exercise of individual rights and responsibilities as ordained by God and established by our nation's Founders in our Declaration of Independence and its subordinate exposition, our Republic's Constitution.
James Madison, in a letter to Thomas Jefferson, 8 February 1825, wrote of the supremacy of the Declaration of Independence over our nation's Constitution: "On the distinctive principles of the Government...of the U. States, the best guides are to be found in...The Declaration of Independence, as the fundamental Act of Union of these States."
The Patriot Post relies, first and foremost, on the writings of our Founders as finite guidance for understanding the plain language of our Constitution, including its most comprehensive explication, The Federalist Papers, a defense of our Constitution by its author, James Madison, and Founders Alexander Hamilton and John Jay.
Like our Founders, we believe that the role for our central government, as defined by the Constitution and outlined in The Federalist Papers in 1787, was, and remains the correct role. To this end, we also believe that the constitutional federalism envisioned by our Founders and outlined by our Constitution's Bill of Rights was grossly violated by our 16th president, Abraham Lincoln. And what was left of federalism in the 20th century was largely dismantled by the administrations of Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson, in combination with extra-constitutional judicial diktats, the result of judicial activism beginning in the 1950s and continuing, largely unabated, to the present day.
Indeed, many of the Constitution's faults, as outlined in The Anti-Federalist Papers, have been borne out. Though the Federalists provided a mechanism to alter our Constitution for redress of those issues, few leaders today have the vision and courage of our Founders. As a result, the "central government" prescribed by our Constitution as ratified in 1787 (and affirmed by Ronald Reagan's Executive Order on Federalism) bears little resemblance to the "federal government" today.
For this reason, we believe that dissemination of The Patriot's timeless message of liberty, limited government and free enterprise is critical to the furtherance of our Founders' vision. We are thus eternally indebted to Ronald Reagan, and we are grateful to all those Patriots who, in recent years, have renewed their commitment to our founding principles. As Thomas Paine once said, "Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it."
Get Your Own FREE Subscription.
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Monday, August 04, 2008
Tyson Foods warms up to Islam
Tyson Foods warms up to Islam
Associated Press - 8/3/2008 6:45:00 AM
SHELBYVILLE, Tenn. - Workers at the Tyson Foods poultry processing plant in Shelbyville will no longer have a paid day off on Labor Day but will instead be given the Muslim holiday Eid al-Fitr as a holiday.
According to a news release from the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, a new five-year contract at the plant included the change to accommodate the hundreds of Somali Muslims who work at the plant .
Eid al-Fitr — which falls on Oct. 1 this year — marks the end of Ramadan, the Muslim holy month of fasting.
Union leaders say implementing the holiday was important for the nearly 700 Muslims, many of them Somalis, who work at the plant that employs a total of 1,200 people.
The Shelbyville Times-Gazette newspaper quotes union spokesman Randy Hadley as saying the negotiating team felt this change was "extremely crucial, since this holiday is as important to Muslims as Christmas is to Christians."
The newspaper also quotes the union as saying two prayer rooms have been created at the Shelbyville Tyson Foods' plant " to allow Muslim workers to pray twice a day and return to work without leaving the plant."
Associated Press - 8/3/2008 6:45:00 AM
SHELBYVILLE, Tenn. - Workers at the Tyson Foods poultry processing plant in Shelbyville will no longer have a paid day off on Labor Day but will instead be given the Muslim holiday Eid al-Fitr as a holiday.
According to a news release from the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, a new five-year contract at the plant included the change to accommodate the hundreds of Somali Muslims who work at the plant .
Eid al-Fitr — which falls on Oct. 1 this year — marks the end of Ramadan, the Muslim holy month of fasting.
Union leaders say implementing the holiday was important for the nearly 700 Muslims, many of them Somalis, who work at the plant that employs a total of 1,200 people.
The Shelbyville Times-Gazette newspaper quotes union spokesman Randy Hadley as saying the negotiating team felt this change was "extremely crucial, since this holiday is as important to Muslims as Christmas is to Christians."
The newspaper also quotes the union as saying two prayer rooms have been created at the Shelbyville Tyson Foods' plant " to allow Muslim workers to pray twice a day and return to work without leaving the plant."
Church Issues,
Social Issues
What's Wrong With America?
Apathy, a Congress that won't work on behalf of their constituents, a constituancy that will not fight back.
Dems leave on vacation, GOP revolts
Jim Brown - OneNewsNow - 8/2/2008 5:00:00 AM
A group of House Republicans staged a revolt after Democrats passed a non-debatable adjournment resolution to shut down the chamber for a five-week vacation.
Even though lights, microphones and C-SPAN cameras were turned off, about 40 Republicans took to the House floor and railed against Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-California) refusal to hold a vote on legislation to allow offshore oil drilling. Their speeches were met with applause from tourists in the visitor's gallery.
One of the GOP protesters, Representative Thad McCotter (R-Michigan), says Republicans were "silenced in a Stalinist manner." "It's a representative government. Our constituents are outraged at the way the Democrats have run this Congress into the ground and done nothing on their behalf, and we were not going to have our people's voices silenced, and we're not going to let this issue go because it's not about Republican or Democrat, it's about American[s]," he argues. "Working Americans cannot afford to wait for gas price relief just because the Speaker wants them to."
He believes part of the reason Congress is so hated by the American people is because they "care more about politics than about working people." "That is why they went on a five-week paid vacation without doing their job," McCotter contends.
McCotter says he understands that Nancy Pelosi's commitment to environmental extremism would lead her to block a vote on increasing domestic energy production, but he does not understand why she would stop members from even talking about the issue on the House floor.
Dems leave on vacation, GOP revolts
Jim Brown - OneNewsNow - 8/2/2008 5:00:00 AM
A group of House Republicans staged a revolt after Democrats passed a non-debatable adjournment resolution to shut down the chamber for a five-week vacation.
Even though lights, microphones and C-SPAN cameras were turned off, about 40 Republicans took to the House floor and railed against Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-California) refusal to hold a vote on legislation to allow offshore oil drilling. Their speeches were met with applause from tourists in the visitor's gallery.
One of the GOP protesters, Representative Thad McCotter (R-Michigan), says Republicans were "silenced in a Stalinist manner." "It's a representative government. Our constituents are outraged at the way the Democrats have run this Congress into the ground and done nothing on their behalf, and we were not going to have our people's voices silenced, and we're not going to let this issue go because it's not about Republican or Democrat, it's about American[s]," he argues. "Working Americans cannot afford to wait for gas price relief just because the Speaker wants them to."
He believes part of the reason Congress is so hated by the American people is because they "care more about politics than about working people." "That is why they went on a five-week paid vacation without doing their job," McCotter contends.
McCotter says he understands that Nancy Pelosi's commitment to environmental extremism would lead her to block a vote on increasing domestic energy production, but he does not understand why she would stop members from even talking about the issue on the House floor.
So, You Don't Believe That Church Leaders Don't Promote Candidates?
Emerging Church leader promotes lifestyle rather than faith
Jim Brown - OneNewsNow - 8/1/2008 7:00:00 AM
A Christian broadcaster claims that Emerging Church leader Brian McLaren is fulfilling the biblical prophecy that in the latter days men will not put up with sound doctrine – according to II Timothy 4:3.
Brian McLaren recently addressed 650 Anglican bishops attending the Lambeth Conference, a meeting he says was characterized by "a loving atmosphere" and "a deep spirituality centered in Bible study, worship, and prayer." McLaren tells that he envisions a new era for Christianity, which "is more about the Christian way of life than it is about a rigid and polemicized systems of belief."
Tom McMahon, president of the The Berean Call ministry, says McLaren is obviously ashamed of the biblical gospel and is bent upon making it accommodate his own ideas about Christianity and "the Christian way of life."
"Once you throw off biblical doctrine, what do you have to guide you? This is to me a reflection of what Satan did with Eve in the Garden – this is Genesis 3:1, 'Yea, hath God said?' In other words, if you undermine what God had said, then what have you got?" he questions. "Well, you've got Proverbs 14:12, 'There's a way that seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death' -- or destruction."
McLaren also tells the future of Christianity will also require Christians to "join humbly and charitably with people of other faiths -- Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, secularists and others -- in pursuit of peace, environmental stewardship," and other things that quote "matter greatly to the heart of God." But McMahon argues that what matters most to the heart of God is that individuals receive salvation on "his terms...through his gospel."
"And that's what people of the world, people of faith desperately need," the ministry leader concludes.
McLaren has joined the Matthew 25 Network, a liberal political action group of Catholics, Protestants, Pentecostals and Evangelicals seeking to get Senator Barack Obama (D-Illinois) elected president.
Jim Brown - OneNewsNow - 8/1/2008 7:00:00 AM
A Christian broadcaster claims that Emerging Church leader Brian McLaren is fulfilling the biblical prophecy that in the latter days men will not put up with sound doctrine – according to II Timothy 4:3.
Brian McLaren recently addressed 650 Anglican bishops attending the Lambeth Conference, a meeting he says was characterized by "a loving atmosphere" and "a deep spirituality centered in Bible study, worship, and prayer." McLaren tells that he envisions a new era for Christianity, which "is more about the Christian way of life than it is about a rigid and polemicized systems of belief."
Tom McMahon, president of the The Berean Call ministry, says McLaren is obviously ashamed of the biblical gospel and is bent upon making it accommodate his own ideas about Christianity and "the Christian way of life."
"Once you throw off biblical doctrine, what do you have to guide you? This is to me a reflection of what Satan did with Eve in the Garden – this is Genesis 3:1, 'Yea, hath God said?' In other words, if you undermine what God had said, then what have you got?" he questions. "Well, you've got Proverbs 14:12, 'There's a way that seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death' -- or destruction."
McLaren also tells the future of Christianity will also require Christians to "join humbly and charitably with people of other faiths -- Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, secularists and others -- in pursuit of peace, environmental stewardship," and other things that quote "matter greatly to the heart of God." But McMahon argues that what matters most to the heart of God is that individuals receive salvation on "his terms...through his gospel."
"And that's what people of the world, people of faith desperately need," the ministry leader concludes.
McLaren has joined the Matthew 25 Network, a liberal political action group of Catholics, Protestants, Pentecostals and Evangelicals seeking to get Senator Barack Obama (D-Illinois) elected president.
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