Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Have We Gone Insane?

Have we gone insane? There was a time when sane men and women, who are our elected officials would never have even entertained the idea of body scanners our invasive body searches.  The chairman of the Homeland Security(?) committee, The Honorable Mr. Rockefeller, stated in his opening statement that the proposed changes to airport security were receiving comments from all quarters.  "I appreciate peoples concerns.  I understand there is a frustration.  I realize some of these screening procedures appear invasive." (emphasis added by me).

He goes on to characterized this unconscionable and barbaric procedure as "unavoidable".  What is the matter here?  Have we raised a nation of blundering idiots?  This is the best that can be presented?  

The pity of it all is that experts such as Charles Slepian, who was the guest of Janet Parshall on yesterday's "In the Market with Janet Parshall" will tell you that these procedures DO NOT WORK.  For example, these searches will not pick up an explosive that is in powder form such as one person who was caught with powder in his underwear.  Answering Janet's question about training reveals the absurdity of TSA's hiring practices. He states that the minimum training requirement of 40 hours with another 20 hours or so of on-the-job training.  Policemen get 6 to 8 months in an academy and they are not being trained in bomb detection. A military person will go through a special bomb detection school which is after other schools that lead up to it.  It takes many months and sometimes years before they are put in the field. "Yet we don't make an effort to hire them."

He goes on to say that we don't use the kinds of people who can profile, such as retired police officers.  He also says that "we do not build a security force in the United States based on security skills, we base it on job need and that's unfortunate."  "We take the people who need a job and we give them the job, we give them the minimum training, but they are not prepared to undertake the responsibilities of that job. It's as simple as that.  If it were otherwise, we would take some of those many many thousands of young men and women who are coming back from military service who are dealing with bombs in the field, and dealing with IED's, they are also dealing with personalities, they also do profiling.  We would be taking some of those police officers who do the 20 years and are out and have a vast, vast well of experience and we don't use them either."

"We have the wrong people doing the wrong jobs to protect America" 

There is so much wrong about the direction being taken and these by the very people who we elect to do our will.  

Please, do not become complacent because we made a change in this last election.  That was merely the "shot fired across the bow".  We need to fire all of the political establishment (class).  

We need term limits for everyone, including the Supremes (all Federal judges).

We need the Fairtax bills in both House and Senate passed and signed into law

We need the Federal government out of education.  The states need to "man-up"

We need the Federal banking system removed.

We need the Federal government to divest themselves of all businesses such as Freddie Mack and Fanny May.

We need to abolish unions for government workers

We need to get the government out of unions in general.

We need limits on how long a person can work for the State department, Defense department, etc.

We need legislation that is a) read by and understood by every congressman b) understandable down to the 5th grade level c) is paid for up front 

We need to balance the budget and make it against the law for the government to go into debt.

We need to revoke all legislation that exempts the politician from any program or law.

We need to secure our borders and enforce laws currently on the books.

We need to have humane immigration that allows us to have a guest worker program and paths to citizenship that are not as difficult and costly as they are currently.

As to airport security.............maybe it's time to borrow from our friends...........


A great alternative to body scanners at airports

The Israelis are developing an airport security device that eliminates the privacy concerns that come with full-body scanners at the airports.
It's a booth you can step into that will not X-ray you, but will detonate any explosive device you may have on you. They see this as a win-win for everyone, with none of the whining about racial profiling. It also would eliminate the costs of long and expensive trials. Justice would be swift. Case closed!
You're in the airport terminal and you hear a muffled explosion. Shortly thereafter an announcement comes over the PA system: "Attention standby passengers — we now have a seat available on flight number ____. Shalom."

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