Facts, according to Snopes:
1. These are not Christmas stamps but Muslim holy days.
2. They have been issued since 1 September 2001.
3. You are unlikely to receive an EID stamp unless you specifically ask for one.
4. Boycotting the stamp only hurts the USPS because no money goes to any other organization other than the USPS.
Although it is true to the best of my knowledge as told in reports I've read, that it was Islamic terrorists that were the agents of all of the attacks listed, the whole group of peoples cannot be held accountable for the extremists.
Now, I'm not advocating that we do not watch carefully what is happening or that we should not pursue the terrorists wherever they might be. I'm just advocating that we treat the non-terrorist Muslim that adhere to the Islamic religion with the same love and kindness that Jesus would have us exhibit.
It is a terrible dilemma and an enormously difficult conundrum that we find ourselves in. According to Snopes, it is estimated that there are between two and six million Muslims in the U.S. now and by the year 2010 there will be more than the Jewish population. That will make it the second largest religion in the U.S.
With that large a population of Muslims, we could find ourselves outvoted and under Sharia law whether we like it or not.
You may find this difficult to belief and if you do I invite you to look at our good friend and ally, Great Britain. You might also look at some of the difficulties France and other countries in Europe are facing.
There you have it. This email is not productive, however there is a problem with numbers. Perhaps we should view it as an opportunity to evangelize to the Muslim people. Perhaps we should be looking at it as a gift from God to have all of these people come here where we can show them and tell the of the gospel of Jesus Christ in an safe social environment.
Subject: Snopes confirms Muslim Stamp
How ironic is this??!! They don't even believe in Christ and they're getting their own Christmas stamp, but don't dream of posting the ten commandments on federal property?

USPS New Stamp
This one is impossible to believe. Scroll down for the text.
If there is only one thing you forward today.....let it be this!
REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of Pan Am Flight 103!
REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993!
REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the Marine Barracks in Lebanon!
REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the military Barracks in Saudi Arabia!
REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the American Embassies in Africa!
REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the USS COLE!
REMEMBER the MUSLIM attack on 9/11/2001!
REMEMBER all the AMERICAN lives that were lost in those vicious MUSLIM attacks!
Now the United States Postal Service REMEMBERS and HONORS the EID MUSLIM holiday season with a commemorative first class Holiday postage stamp. Bull!
REMEMBER to adamantly and vocally BOYCOTT this stamp when purchasing your stamps at the post office. To use this stamp would be a slap in the face to all those AMERICANS who died at the hands of those whom this stamp honors.
REMEMBER to pass this along to every patriotic AMERICAN you know!!!
Snopes confirms see below.
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