Monday, June 09, 2008
2008 PC
By Mike S. Adams

I was asked recently - by a child porn advocate, no less - why I write books with chapter titles that are so “offensive.” Citing two such chapter titles – “Fag Hags and Rainbow Flags” and “The Liar, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” – the child porn advocate asked what some of my fellow UNC professors had done to make me sound so “nasty.” I think the question is worth answering.
Put simply, I use provocative language in chapters (more often in columns) criticizing a small minority of my fellow professors for two reasons: 1) because they are proponents of fascism, and 2) because the UNC administration is too cowardly to confront fascist professors due to political correctness - the principal means of enforcing academic fascism.
Let me be more specific by relying upon a recent example involving one of our more authoritarian UNC professors.
Students taking a criminology course approached me after the professor banned (fortunately in writing) the use of the word “mankind” as “sexist.” Students were threatened specifically with point deductions for every single use of the word in exams or papers. Unfortunately, students did not stand up to the professor. Now I have learned that the professor has adopted another rule – this one banning use of the terms “BC” and “AD.”
Click here to read the rest of the article
In an evangelical divinity program in a Baptist University, I was asked not to use "mankind" and the like because it was sexist. A a liberal Christian institution, I've been asked to use B.C.E. instead of B.C. The the switch from "sex" to "gender" has become ubiquitous, even at our conservative Reformed college.
I had an educated woman in a post graduate program tell me that she found feminine forms of English words demeaning (actress, seamstress, etc.). Apparently she was unaware of our actual feminine diminuative ("actrette").
The left's attack on language is an attack on our faith, culture, and reason itself.
A very sad testimony of what our children have been taught and are being taught.
You are soooo right Travis. The attack is on truth through the meaning of words. By claiming that words that have great meaning are somehow demeaning, insulting or overtly promoting religion is to put self on a higher level than everyone else. "You can't say that word because I find it demeaning" is dictatorial when it is a word that has been part of the vocabulary for at least, hundreds of years. What about the rest of us (probably a vast majority) who are insulted at the very idea of changing congressman to congressperson, or dropping the term actress, or changing BC and AD to BCE and CE? If this wasn't so widespread in our "Institutions of Higher Learning" it would be laughable. Since this is emanating from the Colleges and Universitys, we need to retake them from the facist professors who have been allowed to infect them.
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