Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Unions at one time were very good and necessary. When the mob got involved and power, money and the base side of man was let loose, the main thrust became one of personal enrichment at the expense of the rank and file. The following article by Author Mark Mix who is President of the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation and National Right to Work Committee is worth reading. Whether or not you agree with the article, I'm sure you will agree that it is food for thought.

‘Card Checks’: Fast Track To Monopoly Unionism
Law That Would Further Entrench This Big Labor Tactic Is Just What the Public Doesn’t Want

Current federal labor law prohibits employees who do not wish to join in a union, but work for a unionized business, from bargaining with their employer for themselves. Under American traditions of limited government, affiliation with private organizations is, the vast majority of the time, a purely personal decision. But under federal labor law and the labor laws of most states, union affiliation is primarily a collective, rather than a personal, decision.

In America, your decision to contribute your household’s money to a charity, a political campaign, or an issue-oriented lobbying organization is made individually, or together with your spouse or solicitor. Your neighbors, fellow employees, or business associates may offer advice, but do not get the chance to vote on which private groups you support or don’t support.

Read the rest of the article

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