Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Congressional Pay Raises

Call me crazy but I think pay raises should only be given based on job performance. So how does a Congress with an approval rating in or right at single digits who will be known as the "Post Office" Congress because the majority of their accomplishments was naming Post Offices deserve a pay raise?
Robert B. Bluey wrote a very good article on this for Townhall.com which you can read at http://www.townhall.com/columnists/RobertBluey/2008/01/13/a_pay_raise_for_poor_performance?page=full&comments=true .

He is director of the Center for Media & Public Policy at The Heritage Foundation and maintains a blog at RobertBluey.com

This is the most audaciously blatant form of thievery that I can imagine. When only a tiny number of Congressmen were attempting to bring fiscal responsiblity to bear and the rest, Republican, Indepent and Democrat alike were feeding like like pigs at the public trough. And where is the public outcry? Have we been beaten down to the point that we have lost our courage to stand up and right a wrong?

Folks, this is the day and age where we can get on a computer, go to the internet, type in http://www.house.gov/ for the House of Representatives. Then use the zip + 4 boxes to find your Representative.

The Senate is as easy. Type in http://www.senate.gov/ and select "Senators" button at the top and then "Choose Your State".

When you get to the their respective websites look for the "Contact....." or "Email......" buttons, fill in the required information then write to your hearts content. Be aware that the fewer the words the more your messege will be likely to have the desired affect. The ones that are taken seriously are ones that present your views in a respectful, logical, and calm tone.

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